Wednesday 7 March 2012

True Grit - Truly amazing

Hi Guys,

Being the avid film fan i am i always like to watch the oscar films just see how wrong or right they have gotten each pick for best picture , this being said everytime i watch the oscars i am always dissapointed by the content of selection and whats being won , this being pretty much everyones opionion , having watched black swan , social network and the kings speech and the fighter and inception the main contenders for the oscar prize i was very much leaning away from the western movie true grit for the main fact i have not seen a good western since unfforgiven and much like the monster movie genre until this year had seemed to die off with movies like appoloza etc. but what true was as a movie was that of a de-fibrilator for the whole genre and the wake up call that not all heros have to be that of 'super' but that a character such of Rooster cogburn can be a a hero in vert many ways he displays it follows thr trend being set at the mmment of of the anto hero. This film is the life line westerns needed Provided by the Coen brothers.

Te synopsis it that of the origninal John Wayne film in the 1960's following the same route but with a strengh to script that is character based mainly rather than period based. It follows a young girl played by Haliee stansfield , whose on the lookout for the murderer of her father and employes Rooster in track him down , with the assistance of A texas ranger (Matt Damon)

The character performances were immense and i know its Jeff Bridges and Halliee standsfield whom are getting the plaudits its the supporting cast of Matt Damon and Josh Brolin that deserve much applause for stepping outside there comfort zone and being against there own character type , Matt Damon is usually the good guy who has no ego or bad bone in his body but through this movie he displays an Ego bigger than ver before he is aragant and self becoming and it has a great humilaty and humerous parts to the movie where Him and Bridges fight. Whereas Josh Brolin Was in the right Character as is classically a villian  Americian gngster and Wall street Prve that but he is usually the Hawk but in this he is the pigeon as he is displayed as a completel Hick with no smarts and palys it well.  Jeff Bridges should have got the Oscar for thi performance rahter than Crazy heart as it would have been for a better for well roudned movie , the osacr panel gave himit for his career not for the movie , whereas if he would have gotten it for this he would have deserved ot for his performance alone, The young Gril was very Sassy and a busy-body but remained un-annoying an displayed something this town has been missing from its young actors , Acting talent, although she is in the running for the osacr she will and should not in as the performance does not beat that of Natalie Portman in the Black Swan.

The Stereotype the Western Genre had become meant it had lost interest with all the viewer but by placing at the helm of this movie he Cown borthers it drew back an Audience through them alone , through veiwing and cast they movie could have survived without them , but what they brough was a different dimension to the western Humour and Attention to Speech rather than Surroundings how many times has a wesern had the perfoectly looking saloon and whore house within this it was quite post apocalytic and messy with the Out-law lands being exactlry that , for this i think the movie was a success.

Will this movie win the Osacr.. No , who will Social Network or Kings speech , Who should win the Osacr True Grit or the fighter or incpetion why will it not... Because they were popular and not about Facebook.

All in all anyone looking for a fantastic movie to watch coming up to oscar season look no furhter than True Grit This certainly has Barlington seal of Reccomandation

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