Wednesday 7 March 2012

Pioneers of film; The evolution of Judd Apatow

In a new segment to my Blog i wish to explore great figures of my generation...Judd Apatow.

Part 1

I know some people will not read this but for those who do you obviously understand that a pioneer of film does not have to be a Ridley Scott or Steven Spielberg it has to be a person who changes and improves a genres significance. Judd did this in the 00's with his brand of stoner comedy films but before the hits such as Knocked up, 40 year old virgin and I love you man he was largely rejected by the studios and the viewers this is where i shall start. 

Freaks and Geeks . Undeclared 


Freaks and geeks in my mind remains the best cancelled series ever with a cast of soon to be a-listers such as Seth Rogen , James Franco and Jason Segel o name the current crop of something called 'Apatonions' a group of actors regularly used Apatow movies. The series only problem was that it was ahead of its time as it would be a hit nowadays, with great music , story lines and such funny and cringe worthy stories that must be from childhood experience and of course in all Apatow produced and directed films WEED and RUSH rules the conversation. With the show getting o.k rating it was cancelled halfway through and so Apatow's dream was crushed and so he made another show Undeclared again teaming up with Seth Rogen for this freshman comedy, very much Freaks and Geeks continued it followed hapless Steve Karp as he finds his feet at college with a cast  just as impressive as Freaks and Geeks it is more to my liking having been to college and live with these experiences and dramas the cast includes Seth Rogen , Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy) and Jay Barachel (Knocked up and Shes out of my league) these three make this show is side splitting and Seth and Jay have become greats stars in there own right in the comedy world i would like to make special mention to Charlie Hunnam who has not appeard in apatow film yet mainly due to scheduling conflicts was original role for Aldous snow in Forgetting Sarah Marshall but did Sons of anarchy instead, his comedic timing is so funny and hope after he does sons and Pacific rim this year he doe s acomedy movie with his mates from Apatow Land. This was also cancelled due to poor ratings and so apatow was lost and wondered if he was funny and whether he should start making generic comedies that dont test the audiences but wait ... here comes the BOOM 

This film ranks in my top 5 of films mainly due to its originality, After failure with the series producing this with Adam Mckay directing , This film has became cult film of the decade and has launched the careers of the top three comedies stars of the generation Steve Carrell , Will Ferrell and Paul Rudd , with supporting cast of Vince Vaughan , Fred Willard , Luke Wilson , Jack Black , Ben Stiller , Tim Robbins , Cristina Applegate and a Tiny Role from Seth Rogen. As you can tell Judd Called in a lot of markers for this Comedy and it paid off with some the greatest lines and quotes ever in cinema history and Stay Classy San Diego is still being said now 2012 8 years after the films inception and that tells you something about the writing pure genius. This propelled Adam to be able to write his own ticket for his Debut in a directors chair... 

With this Film further expanded on Apatow's ability to put a cast together and let them improvise a script with great banter and create memorable lines its crude humour and altogether emotion of a issue in american culture sex as this is taboo its throws all slapstick notions away and makes the film every R-rated fan wanted to see Sex , Weed and Women but this wasn't what it was mainly it was comedic genius of how to approach a women and say the worse things possibly with great advice From Rogen and Rudd and expert timing from Jane Lynch the greatest Comedienne in the U.S , Please go away Tina Fey. They provide a great heart warming side splitting film for the whole family to see... yeah right 'line Quote 'you heard of school of rock .. well this is School of Cock'' Classic.

This is the first of four parts to Judd Apatow story

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