Wednesday 7 March 2012

Hello guys!
Skyline. The worst movie of the decade so far?
Having no expectations for Skyline I was increasingly shocked to find that it didn't even manage to meet the bottom of the barrel expectations I had set it! The trailer was semi interesting and there were great parts to it but it's another one of those incidents were the trailer shows every single good part.
The Synopsis is that of Jarrod and his girlfriend have travelled to L.A to sample the life with his Best friend who is rich, after a night of partying and secrets being told, uh oh Bright lights appear and seem to take people through the light which has brainwashed them, Jarrod is then exposed much like in District 9 and mutates throughout the movie they are trapped within the hotel.
Taking into consideration the graphics were great saves this film from being my worst of all time but then it's as if they said ok we've spent 9.5 million pounds on the graphics who can we get for a cheap rate? (filming only cost a reported 500k) Oh I know Turk from Scrubs and David Sayers from Dexter; everyone will call us geniuses for that one. If that wasn't enough add on the fact that the script felt as if it was done by an Eastenders writer or even the US show Days of Our Lives.
Now this just doesn't surprise when I went to check out who the Director was it was the Strause brothers probably the best at visual effects in the biz but whose other titles director include AVP2, now that is my most hated movies ever the mere fact they killed 2 great aliens and made them look like Idiots who can be killed my teenagers with a chainsaw.
The plot was that of any other Alien disaster movie more specifically the ones where people wake up and the world has gone to hell, add on the fact that people are being abducted it brings a familiarity feeling into play I could even go as far to say a rip off of War of the Worlds of sorts. This is what War of the Worlds would look like if Jason Friedman and Aaron Seltzer (Date Movie etc etc) directed it, no really. One of the best parts was even cherry picked from War of the Worlds; this is the part where the telescope alien is searching for other aliens.
Towards the end of the film it feels like the filmmakers were running out of money because it just cut off when a battle sequence is underway and that made me realise that I had lost 93 minutes of my life that I will never get back, thanks Skyline. This well and truly is worst film I have seen of 2010 and it deserves a place on a lot more people's lists.
For those of you who have watched Entourage will know that when I say this is a Johnny drama movie in its purest form, this is one to keep away from.
All in all keep away this does not have Barlingtons seal of recommendation not at all.

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