Monday 5 December 2011

50/50 - An Oscar contender?

50/50 PosterHello readers,

                           What should make an Oscar contender? Should it be how pretentious it is , or in fact how I affects the audience to show feeling and to take something away from the movie. The movie in question is that of 50/50 , with no Oscar buzz around it and more buzz being heaped upon movies like the 'artist' (a French comedian who keeps whining about his life) and the tree of life ( a two and half hour aftershave commercial). How am I a 22 year normal guy supposed to connect with these films. With 50 50 I really did I was crying my eyes out at the end.

'Inspired by personal experiences, 50/50 is an original story about friendship, love, survival and finding humor in unlikely places. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen star as best friends whose lives are changed by a cancer diagnosis'.

Watching this Movie is like realizing your own mortality and accepting it within 90 minutes of film. The Movie struck a tone in the trailer as a Goofballs take on a cancer sufferer , and by casting Seth Rogen as a supporting character did nothing to allay these fears , but watching the actual movie and seeing him being the goofball is needed for comedic relief , he serves as a protector for Adam and is truly a great friend Adam(Gordon-levitt) needs to get through the struggle. 

This film does not play down what Adam is going through and rather explains that not everyone gets better and that by saying 'your going to be alright' or ' its normal for you to feel that way is B****hit' its perfectly displayed by the Rachel the therapist (Kendrick) a clueless newbie to the profession , but she learns to be affectionate and not sugar coat anything but rather tell it like it is.  

The film is hinged upon one role that of Joseph Gordon-Levitt next seen in Batman , you can really see why a man like Christopher Nolan who taken an interest in him much like he has with Christian bale and Tom hardy , he see a true commitment to acting and putting your body and mind into a character fully means living breathing it. You can see the pain and frustration in his eyes that why is this happening to me IM 27 and don't smoke or drink WHY ME! And you sympathetic and feel you own mortal with him , no spoilers but his seen before going into the operating theatre is the most ive cried at a movie , it really hit home how vunuerable we all are. 

So here is my though that i am passing onto you , a film like this is more socially , economically and mentally close to people than a tree of life or an The artist . why does the board refuse to loom at it! 

This film carries all the factors to have Barlington's seal of recommendation!!!!!! ( Just for shaving his head what an artist)

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