We have Seen in recent times and across cinema history that number three in a title might as well be 666 because they are always cursed and awful films that have no meaning and are there to make money or the vision has been lost because the director has left (The original Batman franchise) or the Matrix , Alien , Predator and even Star wars where the heart of the movies where just stripped out to make a lot of money selling toys to kids. Now the Dark Knight rises not for the kids its a deeply gritty and disturbing crime film with fantastic performances and that where i will start after a brief synopsis of the storyline **** WARNING SPOILERS***
"Eight years on, a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham's finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy" (IMDB)
Hardy's Performance 9.9999999/10
Bale's Performance 9/10
Hathaway's Performance 9.5/10
Joseph Gordon Levitt how i admire you , The Character of Blake could have been the most annoying character in the film because he seemed to know everything about Batman but JGL just pulls it off because he seems like a really nice person trying to do good things , i don't think he is the New Batman like everyone is saying he is obviously Robin and i hope he gets his own Franchise because he was magnetic every scene he was in case in point the "Seeing behind the mask scene."
JGL Performance 8.5/10
Marion Cotillard was at best a good twist but not the strongest performance in the film i know Nolan wanted her no matter what and so i guess it works but she is the damsel in distress until the last 10 minutes when he turns Psycho-bitch on everyone and tries to blow up Gotham fair play she is a good character but only good.
Gary Oldman gives his best performance of the three in this for the mere fact its always easy to clean and good cop trying to keep Gotham Safe but as the same as you see behind Bale's eyes the emotional toll it has taken on the Commissioner is great and he looks worn and in need of peace and that what portrays well he may be beaten and bruised but as was batman and the same as Batman he gets up and fights because he a good cop first and foremost!
Oldman's Performance 9.5/10
Freeman Performance 9/10
Anyone who has seen this movie knows why i have kept Michael Caine until last because his performance as Alfred the butler wad the most emotionally charged performance of his career and honestly brought a tear to my eye when he was at The Wayne's grave. He was in the movie the shortest time and yet left the most profound mark on the film. His performance better get him a supporting actors statue or will stop watching the Oscars forever, Michael Caine you are my legend fair play.
Caine's Performance 10/10
...Special mention to Cillian Murphy his performance in all three is why Nolan will keep using him in every movie he does from now on such a drawing presence as Scarecrow.
The storyline i don't need to explain was great because although it was new and original it followed the first to movies everything was interlinked from The league of shadows to leaving Gotham to decide whether to destroy itself. you can decide for yourself whether Batman died or not personally i think people are looking into it to much he survived and how often do you see a superhero retire...never great ending or is it a new beginning for JGL.
I did not thin it possible to beat the avengers this year and was hesitant going into to watch the dark knight rises fore the mere fact how can you top the dark knight well universe you win somehow this movie beats both the dark and the avengers hands down and becomes one the greatest trilogies of all time if not the greatest trilogy!
Movie Rating 10/10
A complete trilogy and a Barlington Recommendation!!!
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