Monday 11 June 2012

Prometheus a formula to why you love it or loath

I have a simple review for this one because i don't want to taint anyone who as not watched the movies and is only looking to skim and get a general feel of the reaction i urge you against this go into the film with an open mind and switch off if not keep reading. here's a simple formula for you to define whether you hated it or loved it this won't apply to everyone but most of the people i have talked to agree

Favourite movie in the series of Alien

Alien - you will love this movie and find it visually and epic but will find some the storyline lacking yes but its makes up for in ticking time bomb effect the film has its not what you see but what you know you might see and have seen and could possibly see. this is something the this generation now wont understand due the SAW effect of horror film making and getting cheap thrills from films like paranormal activity and cannot appreciate a great piece of film making. p.s go see it in 3-D it will blow your mind much like avatar

Aliens- you should tend to hate this movie with a passion because you feel an alien movie should show aliens , fair point and to a point this movie does this but not in a typical way. Ridley Scott is not James Cameron that is for sure but please look a this movie as a stepping stone because i am sure when you get to the end you realise they are setting up an awesome sequel for you type xenomorph hunt

Alien 3 - you have obviously hit your head go see a doctor or you love david fincher too much and need to wake up and realise he even hates that movie!

Alien 4- please you've got to have only seen alien 4 or are trying to piss off someone

I'm not going to mention the AVP's because they have nothing to do with this genre

Anyway i know ive not given a review but this is just a guide to get why you might love it or loath it in the end its an original summer blockbuster so support it and sack whoever wrote the script!!

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