Thursday 3 February 2011

Wall street 2 - Money never Keeps !!


' What a waste of a great sequel'

Having seen the fast paced nature of the 80's monster hit I thought the return of Gekko would mean a bite to the film would still remain especially with Oliver stone reprising his role as the director , I thought it might be a blast from the past an update on the modern classic , but unfortunately I knew it would be dead the minute Shia leboeuf was cast , the guy is not a bad actor but he is a ' Franchise guy' what I mean by this is he’s not done a movie where his name is at the top bill that’s done well that is ... Eagle eye and Distrubia don’t count awful , he has relied upon a franchise to carry the punters into the cinemas and then he performs alright within the movie nothing warrant an ataboy off anyone , he’s the middle man , much like in Indiana or transformers he portrays the chauvinistic  quality of much of the actors of today who only knowhow to act one way these actors being Channing Tatum and Paul walker to name but two , who only know that same role over and over and am afraid his portrayal as a money hungry stockbroker trader does not cut the mustard the same way Charlie sheen did , who at that point has made monster hits and so could carry the movie aside top billing with the legend that is Michael Douglas. 

The synopsis much like the original version is that of greed is good; gekko portrays a Timex watch in a digital age and so as to look out of place. He gets out of jail after 8 years a seemingly changed man, The leopard cannot change his spots one might say through this movie he gains the trust of young up and comer Shia lebeouf soon to be son in law, in the ways of the dark side leading to a crash much like in the first one, as not to portray any spoilers, we all know how’s it gong to end. 

This films real draw is its take on the Wall street crash and how bad it actually was , who was in fault and if ever we as a planet will recover and instead of the sharp talk and ruthless cut throat attitude of the 80;s one this one which lasted for 2.5 hours did nothing but make us fear we will all end up poor and this is a draw and reality , which I think drew away from the public as it did provide any escapism needed when watching a film , it provided us with a waste of time. Nothing hopped in the first 90mins you will see. 

This being said the acting performance from josh brolin and Michael Douglas deserve praise as they did convince about buying this film , but am afraid the script was poor and the directing was trying to be something it wasn’t and director Oliver stone should have waited for a better idea before making this movie as it did not work in interesting the public, The bright point of the movie was the inclusion of Charlie sheen aka Bud Foxx , whom was hoping would make a poor substantial performance as that would have been a nice twist , but it was unfortunately a cameo , but a cameo worth mention. 

This all in all does not get Barlingtons seal of recommendation, but if you like the first one might aswell watch it.

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